Mt. Vernon Hash House HarriersÕ Annual General
Meeting: 2007
Fredericksburg, VA May 4-6, 2007
Friday: Check-in at the Holiday Inn and Relax at the Hashpitality Suite, Car pool or take a cab (No hotel Shuttle) You are on your own for Dinner, and you could join some of your Fellow Hashers for a Pub Crawl through downtown FredericksburgÕs collection of bars (Pay your own way). Car pool or Taxi Back to the Hotel. We are also working on providing a floating keg in the indoor pool, plus a possible dinner rate for Friday at the Holiday Inn for those that prefer to stay close and snuggle. (There will be a small per person charge for the floating keg in the indoor pool.) Updates will be provided so please check the MVH3 web page periodically. We will also have a flat rate of around $15 for those hashers that only want to cum to the Saturday run and enjoy lunch with us. Saturday run only hashers may or may not receive a gift, depending upon availability.
Saturday: Wake-Up and Recover from Friday Night, Check-in, Run Trail, Have Lunch and Enjoy a Leisurely afternoon in the Park. Get back to the Holiday Inn and Shower, and attend the Dinner/banquet (lots of prizes will be handed out).
Sunday: Crawl out of Bed if You Can and Run the Recovery Trail, then Go Home.
Hash Hotel: Holiday Inn: Fredericksburg: 564 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22406.
40 Rooms Blocked for Reservations until March 31t
at $75.90 per night, including $6.90 tax.
After March 31st, the hotel rate goes up to almost $98
dollars including tax. Use
Holiday Inn Reservation Code: MVH3 (Phone for Holiday Inn (540-371-5550). This price includes one queen bed,
continental breakfast, and use of indoor pool. Please make your hotel reservations before March 31st
to avoid the substantial price increase. Also, we would appreciate it if you can
let Organ Icer or Cork Screwed know after you have made hotel reservations so
they can keep tabs on the room count.
Price for weekend: $50 postmarked on or before March 31st;
$55 postmarked on or before April 15th; $60 after April 15th
(No Foolin, $60 after April 15th)
Give Registration
Form & Check to the Old Fart:
Richard ÒLoan
SharkÓ Gill, 6814 Cherry Lane, Annandale, VA 22003-5910
Hash Name _____________________________ Home Hash ________________
Nerd Name _____________________________ Date of Birth _______________
_______________________________ Email
________________________________ Telephone _________________
In the event the gift is
an item of clothing, please indicate size (not guaranteed). Possible gift, maybe one of the
Tee-shirt S
pull over high quality windbreaker S
I recognize that hashing can be a dangerous activity with certain unknowable risks that cannot be prevented with the exercise of due care. Still. Assuming all risks, foreseen or not, I voluntarily undertake to participate in the Mt. Vernon Hash House HarriersÕ (MVH3) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I waive all recourse, for myself and for anyone else, against the MVH3 (collectively or individually), organizers. Management of MVH3, and participants in the AGM, for any injury or harm arising from my participation in the AGM. I recognize that if I get lost or my feelings get hurt or suffer any harm, loss or injury (personal or otherwise) during the AGM or on my way to or from the event, I fully release MVH3 individually and collectively from any liability. If applicable law voids any part of this waiver, unaffected provisions remain valid and fully enforceable.
Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________
Mt. Vernon Hash House HarriersÕ Annual General
Meeting: 2007
Fredericksburg, VA May 4-6th,
Hash Hotel and Base Camp:
Holiday Inn: 564 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg-North, VA 22406
40 Rooms are blocked for Reservations at $75.90 per night that includes $6.90 in tax. These Rooms will be held until March 31st at this greatly reduced rate. Cork Screwed is one hell of a negotiator. After March 31st, the rate goes up to almost $98 per room. Please try to reserve the rooms before March 31st so you will have more money to spend on beer throughout the year. The Holiday Inn Reservation Code is ÒMVH3,Ó and the phone number for the Holiday Inn is (540) 371-5550. Each room includes one queen bed, modified continental breakfast, and free use of the indoor pool.
Registration Fee:
$50 postmarked before March 31st; $55 from April 1st through April 15th; $60 beginning April 16th (No Foolin, $60 beginning April 16th). HereÕs what you get: Cool Give-Away; Hashpitality Suite Refreshments, beer, soda, water, and snacks at the Holiday Inn beginning Friday Afternoon through SundayÕs Recovery; Incredible AGM Trail and Lunch in ST. Clair Brooks Park and the AGM Dinner Banquet Saturday Night. Then, the world-renowned band (Gene Pool Zombies) will be playing in the lounge. There will be lots of prizes and tasteful Hash gifts given away in the ceremony following the dinner.
What to Do:
Friday: Take the afternoon off from work and drive down early to Fredericksburg, VA. Get to the Holiday Inn, check-in and relax at the Hospitality Suite. Get yourselves Downtown for Dinner and join your Fellow Hashers for a Pub Crawl through downtown FredericksburgÕs collection of bars (Pay your own way). Car pool or Taxi back to the Hotel. (We are also working on getting a reasonable dinner rate and a floating keg for the indoor pool for those who prefer to stay close to the Holiday Inn.)
Saturday: Wake-up and recover from Friday Night. There will be complementary donuts, coffee, tea and hot chocolate in the hotel lobby. Car-pool out to St. Clair Brooks Park, Run Trail, and Have Lunch and Enjoy a Leisurely Afternoon in the Park. Go back to the Holiday Inn and Shower and relax before the AGM Dinner Banquet at the Holiday Inn Banquet Room.
Sunday: Crawl out of Bed if You Can and Run the Recovery Trail or (for those gluttons for punishment) and then Go Home.
How do I Sign-up?
Fill out the AGM registration form and make your checks payable to ÒMt. Vernon HHHÓ. Turn in your registration to the Old Fart, Richard ÒLoan SharkÓ Gill at the hash or mail to Richard Gill, 6814 Cherry Lane, Annandale, VA. 22003-5910
So what are you waiting for? Fill-out the registration form and turn it in on or before March.31st. Put It Out promises to sign up early this year.
On-On to Fredericksburg
Directions to the Holiday
Inn-Fredericksburg-North, VA: Take
95 South toward Richmond,
To Exit 133B onto Warrenton Road/US 17N toward Warrenton.
Go 0.7 .miles to Holiday Inn,
will be on your right.