Effective 2 February 2002

Grand Master: Duck Job
Grand Master: Wax On Whacks Off
Religious Advisor: $50 Bitch
Hare Raiser: Bad Ditch
Scribes: TWIG
Hey Ho
Haberdasher: Ivy Licker
Hash Cash: Tipper Whipper
Howdy F*cking Do Me
Tally Ho: Raise My Titanic
Hash Flash: Road Whore
Songmeister: Virgin Avec Mary
Songmeister: Summer's Eve
Hash Hops: Shitty-Shitty-Bang-Bang, lovingly attended by:
Mr. Softie
Number 2
Ivy Licker
Virgin Qith Mary
Free Refills
Cum Scout
Put It Out
Mighty Tite
Jackoff Lantern
Summer's Eve
F*ck'em Dano
Resident of the White House: George "Dubya" Bush
Web page maintained by: Harddrive
d> Harddrive