Run #570

Date: December 28, 1996

Hares: SubMission Impossible and Special Fare

Location: Nature Center River Bend Park, Great Falls VA

It was COLD this Sunday afternoon and the location was strange for many in our Hash Gang. Where the H!!! is the Nature Center at River Bend Park, was heard from several of the small but hardy, happy and COLD group of hashers who gathered. Many of the White House regulars were heard saying, "is this a White House Hash, or did we show up for a Great Falls Wanking Event"? Many of us were not sure what to expect because the Nature center CLOSES at 5 o'clock sharp. And we all know that White House time is not always on the mark. In addition there were many stories of the length of the last White House hash in the Great Falls area last summer when WILBUR and crew had to cut it off at the second beer check due to lack of interest, fatigue and time.

GBOF and Squidly were our token mismanagement and they did an admirable job gathering the group together, getting in a short but festive Father Abraham by 3:10. They then turned the stage over to our HARES SubMission Impossible and her visiting friend Special Fare to give us our pre hash instructions. Rumor has it that Special Fare is to blame for the location. When he was asked for help from the beautiful and athletic SubMission, he told her he would only do one in the woods at Great Falls outside the big city. IS THIS TRUE? Are we being driven from our happy hashing grounds in the city, by part time comers? Anyway we had a quick trail talk and they said ON-ON that way. In amazement the pack was off at around 3:13 (a new White House record).

Full Metal Balls, Missing Link and John Hand Cock lead us off into the woods via a nature trail. Gumba was seen at the beginning but never again, rumor has it that he ran around the parking lot 4 times and called it a hash.

We then ran along a ridge line, where Full Metal and Link we never seen again. Lots of tree and woods a true nature experience for the group.

The hares were deceitful, they ran us thru the underbrush and into the VIRGIN (sign her up) woods were lots of wankers got cut and sliced with stickers. In addition Oralgina was dog sitting a VERY LARGE DOG, she decided to let the dog run loose and it did, in fact it completely knocked Big Bird Turd off his feet and into For Sale Or Rent, they both were dazed and muddy but after a few minutes recovered and were back on trail Oralgina was SO-VERY apologetic. Apologies accepted. As the group wandered through the brush making a generally downward trek toward the Potomac River they discovered a back pack beer check (several beers and sodas in a hiking pack) it was very imaginative BUT where was the water. Several hasheres including Stroke, Srtradle and Hurl and Perky Set were heard grumbling about having to drink soda from a previously opened can.

The pack finally broke through and saw the mighty Potomac. The train turned left onto the tourist walking path. WELL as you can imagine there were LOTS of tourist trying to enjoy a cold winter afternoon, and here was this LOUD and STRANGE group of WANKERS Occupying the Trail. A very strange encounter was observed, Drinks on Me Bud actually ran into one of his friends fishing, a quick discussion occurred and Drinks was off again. After a moderate distance the group ran into the Riverbend Park Parking Lot. Low and behold there was the White House Beer Van wait to serve up some Egg Nog and Beer, and for those Water Lovers some water. After everyone enjoyed the liquid refreshments were off again.

We continued along the river for about a half mile then turned over a bridge and up a MUDDY Trail, one of our crew Perky Set completely lost it and fell into the muddiest of the mud, Wilbur was here to say that deserves at least a 6.5.

We then turned back into the shiggy and woods wandering on, this lead to a creek bed where a pair of tourists were taking pictures. They were overwhelmed by our hash group, especially when one in the group maybe GBOF or Black Box or Bad Dog were heard to have said "CHEESE". The river bed rambled on for several hundred meters, and unfortunately many of us got wet trying to keep on true trail. Many of the group skirted the water bed and watched the die hards HAS-ON.

Finally were wandered up into the woods again and picked up trail that wrapped around the hills to the ON-IN. Thank goodness it was over. We were ALL cold and ready for the circle.

GBOF and Squidley lead a spirited and QUICK Circle because of the closing tome. The hares were acknowledged along with Drinks on Me because the ON_ON_ON was at his bar. There were four new comers, I forgot there names, but the one Drinks on Me Bud brought was observed changing make-up, between the hash and the circle. The Hash Shit was not present and not awarded - next week.

We adjourned, quickly to the Old Brouge and had one hell of a time. Drinks on Me and Wilbure were delightful - backs on the bar having booze poured down their throats. Food was good and fluid flowed. A GOOD time was had by all

Receding Hareline

#572 Jan 11; Hares Condomina and Mark at Tacoma Park Full Moon Hash Jan 9 7:00 pm Luther Jackson Middle School, near intersection of Hwy 50 and Gallons Road.


White House Hash X-Mas Party and 569th - Saturday and Sunday, January 17 & 18, 1998. Forest Glenn Ball Room, Walter Reed Annex. There is a limit of 200 wankers (military regs) so get your $$ in early. Details and registration to follow shortly (White House time). There will also be a holiday pub crawl on Friday January 16.

New Orleans H3 Mardi Gras Hash; February 20-24; contact Ellen "Head First" Berthelot at 504-566-5180 or; or Linda "Gooey Blow" Crozier at 504-394-4126 or

Kuala Lumpur Extravaganza - Drinks On Me, Bud is putting together a 3 week package for 25+ hashers to attend the Oktoberfest in Munich and other fun stuff before heading to the Interhash in Malaysia. See DOMB if you are interested.

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