White House Hash

House Harriers

For Directions and Information call 202-PUD-JAM0/202-232-HASH

"In Beer we Trust" September 13 - 20, 1999

Read This!

"A hash run may involve crossing streets with traffic or running through fields, woods and

streams with briars, obstacles or poison ivy. Each hasher is responsible for his or her own health,

safety and welfare - get into the spirit of the fun but know your limits."







For those of you living in a cave this Saturday, October 2,1999, is the biggest hashing/social event of the year. Authorities all over DC are preparing for this day by stocking up on the tear gas.

Last year’s run attracted 605 lunatics in red dresses running about our nation’s capitol. As of 9/23/99 over 500 folks with absolutely nothing better to do, have registered for this year’s run.

The Red Dress Run starts at 3 pm at LuLu’s, which is at the intersection of M and New Hampshire, NW in DC. IF you have not registered you still can by going to the website http://patriot.net/~djk/mvh3/. Registration the day of the run begins at 1:30 pm.


Friday, October 1, 1999, will kick of the DC Area Red Dress Run with a, you got it..a Full Moon Run. Despite that fact that the full moon has come and gone, at least astrologically, that never deters our determined and organized full moon hash mismanagement.

This is the "Cum and Get Leid" Hash. Wear your favorite Goofy Hawaiian (Puke) outfit and we guarantee you'll cum DangeRously Close to getting leid.

We are hashing in Old Towne Alexandria. Start will be in the Plaza between the Joe Theisman's Restaurant and the Embassy Suites Hotel on Diagonal Road between Duke and King Streets. This is right across the street from the parking lot at the King Street Metro Station. There is a parking garage in the Embassy Suites building for just $3.50. **It closes at midnight so keep that in mind.**

The trail starts at 7:30, but we start gathering at 7:00. Be there early! The cost for this pre-Red Dress Full mOOn Hash is $18.00. That covers the hash, giveaways, great food and beer till midnight at the On-On-On.




Regular Announcements

UpCumming Runs


Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 10 pm.

FatBoy’s Recovery Run

Hares: BigBirdTurd and WheredaFukHawe

Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 3 pm.

Hares: Missing Link

Sunday, October 10, 1999 3 pm

Hares: PutsitOut, RuinedItForDad

September 13, 1999

View from the Pack Run # 665

Hares; GreatBallsOfFire, PullsOutEarly and BiteMeElmo

The scribe sends her deepest apologizes to the hares and the hash, not only is this *$#*^#$(#)%)&() computer causing me a headache because MICROSOFT WORD SUCKS and is the source of all evil in the world, but the scribes have not been very scribe like this month.

Let’s just say, life has gotten in the way. That said, I cannot remember much from this run, since I hared it. But I do recall hanging back with Watergate, Beastie Bush, Jimi Hendrix, Oralgina, Blowsthe Cradle, and BadDog. It was a fabulous run, because the scribe was hare.

Here is some "hoo ha" thanks to DangerouslyClose2OFeelYaButtz------- regarding the circle….

Late cummers:

Drinks On Me Bud



Birthday Drink:



The Winner was……………for just being himself…………Lazy Mother F*cker!

September 20, 1999 Trail

Walkers' Trail led by 'Raise My Titanic'

Turkey Trail led by 'West Virginia Woodie'

Eagle Trail led by 'Das Beaver';

(as reported by hash Religious Advisor, GreatBallsofFire)

The pack followed the trail directly into the woods off the W&OD Trail, found the first check, and all hash leading from the check were bad trails. The pack milled about for a few minutes, until someone on the bike trail yelled OnOn, and we followed them into a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge looooooooooooong tunnel under I-66.

Not a lot of folks had flashlights. But the hash likes doing things in the dark, hence Full Moon runs. Besides many hashers spend a great deal of time being in the dark due to their mental condition. Any way, popping out from the tunnel, the pack came out at E. Falls Church Metro, found the trail, which led them right back to the park where they started. Total time on trail - ten minutes.

Some folks declared the pack accidentally found the On In trail, and that everyone should go back into the huuuuuuuuuuuuge looooooooooooong tunnel they came out of. Many said screw it, found a pedestrian [presbyterian?] walk way over I-66. Following WDFK the group was informed a beer check was at Black Box's house. We made a bee-line to North Arlington, looking for the familiar Ms. Box's house. We were the first folks there, including #2. The beer van showed up, B.B.s' house was actually the second beer check.

By this time it was starting to rain, so not having been on trail all day we, including Oar Whore, ran the mile or so back to the park across from the Metro station. And that was the end.

(Editor’s note; Excellent trail ladies!! Using flour sparingly and no markings is very environmentally conscious and economical of you!)

This Circle was brought to you by co-scribe, DangerouslyClose2OFeelyaButts




Appropriately we sang them: Get a Life!

It was raining. We had lots of Mary Poppins:

Wilbur – hold his huge umbrella. Is that one of those things where a guy has to purchase a bigger umbrella to compensate for the small size of his *#@(+)????

Holiday Ho – who had to be freezing… she was wearing a tank top and it was cold cold rain!

$50 B*tch

Keil Bastard – evidently he traded his gold club in for an umbrella

Oar Whore – who was really whining about not being able to find a red dress for the Big Event!

Ick Lieba Dick

We toasted – or roasted – those that attended Virginia’s Interhash (otherwise known as the post-hurricane hash) in Virginia Beach the weekend before.


Awarded to the hares. I’m not sure why, coulda been any one of a number of things: Totally messing with all us half-minds my having three different trails? Color coding the trail markings? Using abbreviations on the trail causing all us half-minds to have to think?! Totally screwing with us all by having all three trails start together to one big huge check that no one could follow. Running one of the trails so close to a yellow-jackets swarm that several hashers, including one of the hares ended up covered with bees and stung in many places! - - -Is this the return of the Killer Bees? Beginning the joint trails in such a way that too many of us had America’s Interhash de ja vu!

Okay, all! Hang on tight. The trash will be back to normal, well as normal as it can be for a trash, next Monday. You have my solemn promise. And if you believe this scribe, then I also have a nice bridge in DC I’d like to sell you. But seriously folks. It will!!!

Thanks for reading this drivel and see you next week!














White House Hash House Harriers MisManagement

Joint Masters:

Bill "BigBirdTurd" Wagner

Pete "WhereDaFukHawe" Marceau


Mike "DrinksOnMeBud" Kearney


Tom "DropBox" Carney

Eric "RoadKill" Klun

Amy "Vominatrix" Carlson

Judy "CervixWithaSmile" Cunningham

Pete "Number2" Wilkinson

Bret "Steamer’sBitch" Schlueter


Chris "PullsitOut" Kay

Religious Advisor:

Andy "GreatBallsofFire" Smythe


Scott "LeaveItInBeaver" Curit

Kirstin "ButtPlug" Walcott


Jackie "FussyBitch" Appleby


Maria "BiteMeElmo" Bertacchi

Ginger "DangeRouslyClose2OhFeelYaButts" Higgins

Bill "MellowForeSkinCheese" Wagner


Suzanne "HasherHumper" Stephenson


Mary "EatsItRaw" Bussler